ADHD can have a profound impact on personal life, work life, social life, and family life. If you struggle with ADHD, you may find it difficult to set limits on your activities and behaviors.
For example, you may have issues with compulsive eating. Dopamine, the “feel good” hormone, is often lower in people with ADHD. Excessive eating can be a way to boost dopamine levels to feel better.
Excessive use of alcohol and drug use are related to the difficulty in setting limits. Individuals with ADHD may be more prone to drug and alcohol use disorders.
It is estimated that almost half of adults diagnosed with ADHD also struggle with anxiety. ADHD may make you feel on edge and moody. Treatment for ADHD often resolves the anxiety issues.
ADHD impacts all areas of your life. Many adults living with ADHD also report feeling stressed out. Chronic stress can lead to other problems if not managed. Physical issues caused by chronic stress include heart problems, blood sugar problems, difficulty breathing, problems with digestion and muscle tension and pain.
Did you know ADHD increases the likelihood you will snore? ADHD is associated with a number of serious sleep issues, including sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and the disruption of your circadian rhythm. When your body’s internal clock is out of sync, you may have problems falling asleep and waking up normally.
Most employment positions require employees to be attentive, arrive to work on time, concentrate, and complete work in a timely manner. These are the very traits adults with ADHD struggle with.
If you feel you are not meeting or exceeding your employer’s expectations, you may feel stressed. You may feel anxiety that you could lose your job. This causes a never-ending cycle that adults living with ADHD feel they cannot escape. Adults living with ADHD frequently struggle to meet deadlines. This commonly impacts job performance but can also affect other areas of life too.
Like excessive eating, impulsive spending can make an adult living with ADHD feel better, but the effect is only temporary. After excessive impulse spending, guilt often sets in.
All adults use both types of attention. Adults with ADHD have difficulty with directed attention.
With effort, awareness, and following your prescribed treatment, it is possible to manage your ADHD. If you can recognize what triggers your ADHD, you may be able to avoid an episode.
Sleep problems are to blame for many ADHD episodes. Lack of sleep impacts everyone but the effects on adult ADHD are often serious.
Inadequate sleep is responsible for a number of symptoms that are strikingly close to ADHD symptoms. Difficulty sleeping can result in:
Stimulants are highly effective in reducing ADHD symptoms such as impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity. The stimulants work by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. This improves communication and functioning in the areas of the brain responsible for executive function and attention.
There are also non-stimulant medications that may be used. These ADHD drugs are generally not as effective as stimulants but may be used in the case of negative reactions when taking stimulants, or if a patient has a history of substance abuse. All drugs have potential side effects, including ADHD medications. Common side effects of stimulant medications used to treat ADHD include insomnia, mood swings, and decreased appetite.
Inform your Focus ADHD provider if you are taking other medications or if you have medical conditions like high blood pressure or heart disease. If you experience negative side effects from your ADHD medication, inform your Focus ADHD care team. Non-medications are often used in conjunction with the ADHD drugs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is frequently used to treat ADHD. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is used to teach useful skills to help adults with ADHD manage their symptoms. Organization techniques, relaxation methods, and time management skills are often part of CBT sessions.
You may be surprised to find that exercise is an effective non-medication treatment for ADHD. (This does not take the place of the provider’s diagnosis and treatment.) Exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety in adults with ADHD. Exercise helps with concentration by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Mindfulness meditation helps improve attention and concentration. It also reduces anxiety and stress. There are other lifestyle adjustments your Focus ADHD provider may discuss with you. One of the most important involves adequate sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time helps your body’s internal clock.
Your provider may also recommend dietary changes. What you eat impacts your ADHD symptoms. Remember, treatment for ADHD only works if you implement it. Take your medication on schedule. Follow the individualized treatment plan created by your Focus ADHD provider for you. Contact Focus ADHD if you have any questions or concerns.
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